Rushing through the trolls...

Have gotten the last two of my pretty reaper bones trolls converted... One ridiculously simpler than the rest admittedly.

Starting point for these two after ones arm removal

Original plan was to arm one with two ogre kingdoms clubs and the other to be holding a lump of rock in each hand.

I shaved down the hands attached to two ogre kingdom clubs...

Then after pinning and positioning the arm in place, I carved out some of the palm of the right hand and a bit of the inside of the left fingers to grip the weapons better whilst gluing them in.

Followed by greenstuff re-sculpting of the right upper arm and adding the weapons.

Deciding I didn't like the look of the clubs cut down the weapon headsand replaced them with a couple of lengths of chain...
Also I cut off the other trolls right hand positioning it in a more forward aiming manner, pinned and glued it into place then added a glob of green stuff into both hands to carve up a bit later as two rocks to be thrown at the enemy, or bashed about their heads.

and the four as they are lined up...

Due to the fact I've only changed arm positions they still look abit samey... (think I'll call them the brothers grim, due to shared facial expression) but still an improvement from how they all looked previously...

So with a bit of effort, a relatively varied looking unit for a little under £10 + already owned materials (spare ogre kingdom bits, chain and greenstuff)
Not bad, but waiting to see more of what reaper get out once the release more of their bones line... think I'm going to get either the ogre or werewolf next...

happy gaming, yours, Jess =)


  1. I think they look pretty awesome...

    They are very nicely detailed miniatures for the price that you pay...

    You said they still look very similar, have you thought about maybe a little cut/shave here and there and a touch of green stuff, just to change the faces slightly..?

    1. I was planning on having one with an open maw... just wanted to rush them along... but now you mention it there are the old moles I could remove or add elsewhere and the same goes for teeth...? see what transpires before I paint them I guess?


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